Xenon Lights
Enhance your lighting with Xenon Lights - featuring state-of-the-art Xenon light bulbs. What are Xenon Lights? Xenon bulbs produce a cooler/bluer color than the yellow of regular incandescent bulbs, but not as harsh as a halogen bulb. Xenon light fixtures have Xenon Gas injected into the bulb which greatly increases the lifetime of the bulb - anywhere from 8,000 to 100,000 hours, so they'll last you for several years!
Over its lifetime a Xenon Light saves you several trips to the store and multiple bulb replacement fees. Xenon bulbs are bright, like halogen bulbs, but run cooler. You can touch the bulb without worry of breaking it (wait for it to cool off first!) and they're even dimmable. Xenon Lighting emits minimal UV rays compared to other bulbs, making them safer for working with and less harmful to fabrics and artwork.
Producing a similar light spectrum to natural sunlight at high-noon, Xenon lights have an excellent color rendering index of 100 (CRI), producing natural vibrant colors without eyestrain. Xenon lights are an exciting, relatively new technology that adds comfort and sophistication to any light fixture, and thus to any room.